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Creating nice homes for our employees

Dated on Aug. 20th, 2020

Whether there is a dormitory or not is one of the most important conditions for employees in job hunting. For the dormitory is the second home of the employees, especially the non-local ones, most of their spare time will be spent there. A good living environment can bring more sense of belonging to employees, make them more active in their work and treat their colleagues more kindly.

In order to better serve employees, after a month of intense work, the company dormitory welcomes our family with a new look.

At 9 a.m. on August 25, 2020, Company Leaders attended the dormitory ribbon-cutting ceremony.
















Excellent companies look at the middle level, and excellent companies look at the grassroots. Based on the values of concentricity with the government and concern for employees, the company advances and shares results with employees.


Post time: Mar-17-2023